I’ve always been a fan of the baked potato. I was rather sad when it got such a bad rap as the “carbs are evil” campaigns started around the nutrition world. I am very glad to see that the potato is being promoted for its positive points now and showing up more regularly on healthy plates. Just ask Denise Austin about it – fitness icon turned potato pusher.
My selection of baked potato toppings has changed over the years. I have never really been a butter and sour cream person. There was once ranch dressing, then I moved on to salsa and lately a little hot sauce is all I need.
Around here, the stuff potato is a popular item in the mall food courts. While some of the stuffings aren’t the best for you, you’ve got to admit that when it comes to health you can do a lot worse in a food court than a baked potato.
I especially like that they have a “light” menu at these places because that is usually where my favorite combination resides. I posted about the arugula and sundried tomato combination that I was introduced to since coming to Brazil. You can find it on everything from sandwiches to pizza and also on your baked potato.
So here is the one I get at the food court. Dark leafy greens, anyone?

Here is my recreated version.
It makes for a simple, tasty lunch and is, without a doubt, full of vitamins. The best way to eat it is to get in there and mix everything up so you’ve got a little potato in each bite.
All you need is – a baked potato, chopped arugula, chopped sundried tomatoes and a little of your favorite cheese. You can open the potato and throw the cheese on first to melt it, or you can dice it and toss it with the veggies.
I’ve gotten more creative with stuffing my potatoes since we made this cultural discovery, which actually comes from the UK in the eyes of Brazilians. Any time there is a world food fest here the tent representing England serves stuffed taters.
I didn’t get a photo, but last night I browned up some lean ground beef with onions and peppers, and added a little bbq sauce. The mixture went on top of our potatoes with a little cheese. That was also a great combination.
How do you stuff your potatoes?
Over the past few weeks I’ve made some of the recipes from other food bloggers and thought I would mention a couple. Both turned out great!
Mongolian Beef from Pink Bites which I turned into a lettuce wrap.
LOVE stuffed potatoes. My fav version:
Its very filling and makes a great dinner.
Love this version of stuffed potato! Yum!
Looks like a delicious way to stuff potatoes!
Sweet potatoes have always had my heart and I have never stuffed them. But I like to have regular potatoes with chili on top … a very warm, filling meal on a cold winter day : )
Potatoes are wonderful, and this looks really good! The lettuce wrap is terrific as well, I love lettuce wraps, they are so versatile!
I love arugula. Love sun dried tomatoes. Love cheese. Love potatoes. Boy, these are right up my alley!!! Yum!
Ahh, you gotta love Denise Austin and her potatoes. Yours look good! Is it weird I’ve never had anything like that?!
Stuffed potatoes, I am all over that. YUM!! And I literally laughed out loud at your Denise reference. Ha! I see those commercials all the time.
I’m a butter, sour cream and cheese person myself, but I do often use leftover chili on a baked potato. The greens on this look so good, though! How do you keep the potato from tasting dry without any fat on it, though?! 😉
I used to eat a baked potato almost every day for dinner in high school during basketball season. I had to have something that would give me a lot of energy, but wouldn’t make me sick at a late practice. Baked potatoes were perfect for this…
WHOA! that is one serious potato. i generally always stick to salsa and cheddar, although every now and then i go to cheddar and broccoli – one of my favorite combos.
the denise austin commercials kinda crack me up 😉 she just loves her idaho potatoes!!
Veggie Girl and 5 Star – It really is good. The combination just goes well together.
Erica – Thanks for sharing. I remember seeing that post. Sounds great!
lesley – I love sweet potatoes too. I need to come up with some good stuffing for those. I’ve had them with pineapple before. That was good.
ChefBliss – I like lettuce wraps too. Mine didn’t turn out to be quite restaurant quality, but they were okay. 🙂
Happy Runner – You’ll love it! Easy to make too.
healthy ashley – Nope, not weird. I hadn’t till I moved here. 🙂
Andrea – Her commercials crack me up. I remember the first time I saw one and I was like is going on? Denise and taters?
Mindy – Great idea. I haven’t thought of potatoes much the sports nutrition sense, but they would definitley be a great choice. Put the cheese on the potato first and it helps with the fat. 😉
Heather – Mmmm. Broccoli and cheddar is great too. I know what you mean about Denise. She is as about enthusiastic about taters as she is about toning your tummy.
Isn’t that a great idea? Sometimes i get a hankering for potato skins and this would be a good way to go!
The arugula and sundried tomatoes look fantastic – I’m going to try it! And your version looks identical to the restaurant one.
Although I do like stuffed potatoes, I don’t usually make them, opting instead for roasted or mashed potatoes. But when I do, just plain old butter is my favorite.
Like Tangled Noodle, I would often opt for just the butter addition (when I say butter, I mean, Kerrygold :)). That or whatever cheese I have to hand. The argula and sundried tomato sound good too, though!
I am a HUGE baked potato fan – this reminded me that it has been awhile since I had one. Yours looks incredible. When I studied abroad in London – I would have them like 4 times a week for lunch and I actually lost weight while I was there…
WOW! That’s a lot of leafy greens! I hate to say it, but I am a sour cream and butter person, which is why stuffed potatoes are a treat and not a regular on my menu.
Oh, and the lettuce wraps look so good! Big fan of lettuce wraps. Now I’m kicking myself because I didn’t buy any lettuce yesterday and we’re out!
A potato really is a blank canvas–I love how versatile they are. I would be Very Happy if I found a baked potato in a food court here in NC! I like mine with some chili and pickled jalapenos:)
You think maybe this could be tweaked to include sweet potatoes? I’m emailing you a contest opportunity where the grand prize is $1000!
What a great dinner!
Michelle – Oooh! I love potato skins too! Haven’t had them in forever.
Tangled Noodle – I think I’ve always turned to baked as the easy way out since I don’t actually bake them. Ha, ha! Microwave all the way. 🙂
Daily Spud – I am going to make it a point to have Kerrygold in Ireland this summer. I trust it won’t be hard to find. Ha, ha!
lauren – I’m definitely a believer they can be a healthy choice. I could eat them that often too.
cathy – I hadn’t really experimented with the stuffed version until I came here. Now they have turned into a meal.
onlinechef – It is a great addition. I don’t mind foodcourt food so much anymore. 🙂
Rowena – Thanks for the email. What a cool contest. Not sure about the potato variety, worth a shot. I’m really enjoying your blog, btw.
Maria – Thanks for stopping by. It is definitely simple and tasty.