
Salmon and Spinach Cakes with Fried Eggs Recipe

August 12, 2014

Salmon and Spinach Cakes with Fried Eggs | fakefoodfree.com

Protein for breakfast.

Of all the improvements we’ve made to our eating habits over the past year or so, this has been the best one by far.

I wasn’t a complete stranger to a high protein morning meal. I’d have eggs on occasion, or a shake with nut meal, but it wasn’t until we started focusing on eating a lot of protein first thing that I realized how much I relied on carbohydrates for breakfast.

Now, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I still work in yogurt with fruit and oatmeal, especially when we are training for a race, but these carb focused breakfasts seemed to be making me crave something sweet every morning.

Once we made the switch, things changed pretty drastically.

I now crave AM sweets only occasionally (I’m the first to tell you those cravings never completely disappear) and I’m fuller for longer throughout the morning.

That being said, one can only eat so many eggs, egg whites, black beans and greens. It gets old rather quickly. It also takes some work to get creative, especially right after you roll out of bed in the morning.

I bought a can of wild salmon a while back and I discovered it this week when I was racking my brain for new breakfast ideas. I grew up eating salmon patties as a kid, but I rarely make them these days. One thing I do have often is fish and eggs, so I thought pairing the two in a different way might break through some of the boredom of breakfast.
Salmon and Spinach Cakes with Fried Eggs | fakefoodfree.com


Mission accomplished.

If you have fresh salmon, I’m sure it would be delicious in this as well, but I find canned salmon so convenient. Plus the bones provide some added calcium. Also, some panko or whole wheat bread crumbs can be substituted for the almond meal, but the almond meal does keep this breakfast gluten-free if that is what you are after. Just be sure the canned salmon you use is gluten-free as well. I also recommend dousing your egg with hot sauce before devouring this protein-packed power breakfast. Simply because hot sauce makes just about everything good even better.


Salmon and Spinach Cakes with Fried Eggs | fakefoodfree.com


Salmon and Spinach Cakes with Fried Eggs Recipe

Serves: 4


1, 15 oz. can wild salmon
1 cup finely chopped spinach
1/4 cup almond meal
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 large egg
1/2 tsp lemon zest
1/2 tsp fine ground sea salt
1/4 tsp fresh thyme leaves
1/8 tsp ground black pepper

4 eggs fried to your preference
Thyme leaves and cracked black pepper for garnish


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

In a medium bowl, stir together the salmon, spinach, almond meal and garlic. Add the egg and stir until it is incorporated. Fold in the lemon zest, salt, thyme and black pepper.

Form the mix into four equal patties. Place the patties on a greased baking sheet or a baking sheet lined with a silicone mat. Bake for 10 minutes. Remove the patties from the oven. Let rest for 1 minute and then use a spatula to carefully flip them over. Reform the patties if any break or crumble. Bake for 10 more minutes. Remove from the oven and let rest for 5 minutes before transferring to serving plates.

Top each patty with one fried egg and garnish with thyme leaves and cracked black pepper before serving.

Salmon and Spinach Cakes with Fried Eggs | fakefoodfree.com


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  • Velva August 12, 2014 at 4:44 pm

    I am a total carb freak in the morning…I eat bread with cheese every morning. Maybe on the weekends I go for the eggs. Although, I cannot make the leap to salmon on an early morning I recognize what a great protein mix this breakfast provides. Very healthy too, and I could probably refrain from snacking until at least lunchtime 🙂


    • Lori August 12, 2014 at 5:35 pm

      Now I do love a good piece of toast! I also used to love the the French breads we would eat in Brazil. I can completely understand not wanting salmon in the morning. It took me a long time to get adjusted, but now it’s kind of natural. Maybe this dish for lunch then! 🙂

  • TasteHongKong August 14, 2014 at 11:15 pm

    This is a nice idea to start the morning; I simply love having wild-caught salmon in the patties, canned version would be fine too.

    • Lori August 15, 2014 at 7:18 am

      Thank you! It’s so convenient. I need to find some more recipes that use it so I can get more creative.

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