It turned out to be a great suggestion. Throughout a day of simmering, the fat melted away allowing me to easily remove any bones, leaving tender pieces of meat. Not to mention the soft and smoky black beans.

1 small onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 cups water
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp coriander
1 ½ tsp smoked paprika
¾ to 1 lb. pastured pork chops
Salt and pepper to taste
Fresh from the farm… can’t get any better than that! Probably so much better for you too. Looks delicious!
“Like a feijoada” are magic words! What a wonderful dish. The slow cooker is the most underappreciated tool in my kitchen. For some reason, I’ve equated it with cold weather (but even then I don’t use it often), so I rarely consider it for use most other times of the year. That’s going to change! 😎
I love black beans. I like combination of ingredients in you recipe. Delish!
Ok, this is just fantastic. I am totally making this next week with some of the pork I got from the farm.
Love my slowcooker – since I work from home it doesn’t get much easier to throw something in it and get back to work.
I agree simple is best and like you get reminded when I sometimes try to overthink a recipe in terms of creativity. I’ve made dishes like this and they are perfect hardy dinners that can be somewhat distracting from work with their incredible aromas wafting to my office
That sounds really really good! Popping in to say hi!
mmmmm, this sounds amazing…all you had to say was the fat melting and i was sold 🙂
beans make any dish taste better and more complete! That is so amazing you can just get fresh meat from the farm, I WISH i could do that!
RecipeGirl – I agree completely. So glad we’ve made the decision to only buy our meats from grass-fed and pastured farms.
TN – I thought you’d like this one. 😉
Mother Rimmy – I’m glad I decided to go with black beans this time around. It really gives it a nice flavor.
kat – Thanks! Can’t wait to see how yours turns out.
OysterCulture – Ha, ha! I had the same experience yesterday. The aroma really filled the house.
The Blonde Duck – Thanks!
Heather’s Dish – There was very little sign of it which is how I prefer my fat. Ha, ha!
Nicole – Turns out it is much easier than I thought. Now we live in a more rural area, but even in the cities we’ve lived in usually its just a short drive.
This looks like a good and simple recipe. I love the crock pot!
Mmm…looks like the perfect comfort food dinner–wonderful combination too.
Mmm… a slow-cooked pork chop sounds incredibly flavorful and delicious with black beans!