I’ve found that I enjoy it when the blogs I read come to life, so-to-speak. I’m not one for sharing too much personal information, but I can easily get engrossed in a post where the author is telling me a little bit about themselves which usually includes something that has led to motivation for their blog.
So when Chef Wanabe left me this me-me I thought I’d take the time to write up a
bit this weekend. If you haven’t visited Anna’s blog you should take the time to head over there and check it out. Don’t forget to check out her About Me page where you can see some of her amazing art. Such talent!

I’m supposed to tell you 10 things about myself, so here is my list. Now, I know everyone feels a bit differently about me-mes, so I’ve decided if you’d like to participate then you have earned this award from me. Let me know if you did in the comments so I am sure to check out your post.
Working in a Great Harvest was my second job (first was working for my brother’s lawn company). I ended up working there on and off throughout college. I started at the counter eventually moving into production, including sweets and baking. I also worked in a bagel shop at one point.
For as long as I can remember I have struggled with my weight. Exercise and watching what I eat are not options for me. If I don’t do both I will gain weight without fail. I’m currently in the process of losing what I have gained since our move abroad.
I have a BS in Nutrition, Fitness and Health which was actually in the school of Consumer & Family Sciences. My MS is in Nutritional Sciences – Wellness/Sports nutrition.
I grew up with animals around me at all times – pony, sheep, goats, dog, cat, bunnies – were all part of the family.
My Dad is the most amazing gardener I know. I’ve never appreciated his skill and the fruits of his labor more than I do at this point in my life.
My Mom always ran a cake business out of our home including birthday and wedding cakes. She is extremely talented, skilled and self-taught. I have inherited neither her skill nor patience for this.
I am a product of private, Catholic school K-12. Uniforms were a norm in my life.
Travel is necessity for me. My husband and I try to travel to Europe, the Caribbean and various places throughout the US each year. I’m willing to give up a lot in order to have the money to travel.
Despite living in Brazil for almost 2 years, studying CDs, group classes and private lessons, I still have not learned to speak Portuguese sufficiently. I view this is one of my greatest failures, but what is life without a few failures along the way, I guess.
Food has a lot to do with culture for me. It is why you won’t find me eliminating grains such as white rice or meat from my life. I feel blessed that I do not have to, I might add. Cultures have survived on these types of foods throughout history. While the foods have changed drastically overtime, for me the answer is not giving them up, but going back to more natural ways of producing them.
Last week I also received these awards from Brand New Sidewalk. Thanks Candice! I’d like to share them with Tangeled Noodle and Gastroanthropology. Two blogs about food and culture that inspire me and teach me something new with each post.
Wow, I love this!! So fun to learn more about you!!
I’ll do anything for travel too…I even gave up my salary for the year just to have the opportunity to live in France! (Luckily, my employer gave me an extended leave of absence, so I have a job when I get back!)
It IS fun to learn more about you! Such an interesting life, Lori. And congrats on the new blog awards. Well deserved!
Great meme- I think its so neat that your mom is such a skilled baker! Amazing!
good to learn more about you 🙂 i’m a uniform graduate, too 🙂 i swear, going to college was frightening because i had to pick my own clothes!!
I enjoy posts like this very much, too, and I definitely enjoyed reading yours! : )
I love your take on foods having a lot to do with culture and it’s so neat that you guys travel so much!
Great to learn more about you!
I’ve really noticed that although I intended my blog to be informative but not personal…readers really seem to like the personal stuff! I’ve become much more involved with blogging since developing relationships with fellow bloggers this way. Thanks for sharing!
It was fun learning more about you!
VeggieGirl – Thanks. They are always fun.
Mindy – That is so awesome that you were able to take leave from your job! What an experience!
cathy – Thanks! Funny that you say that. Sometimes I feel so un-interesting. Ha, ha!
Erica – Yep, she’s very talented.
Heather – Ha, ha! I almost mentioned that. It was like I woke up one day and said, “wow, I can where whatever i want.”
lesley – Thanks! We do love to travel.
5 Star Foodie – Thanks, glad to share.
Michelle – It has been the same for me. I think there is a line of too much info, but becoming an actual person instead of just written text can be a good thing. 🙂
Maria – Thanks!
How nice to get to know you a little better 🙂
cool! I love learning more about you…and I love your perspective on food. I can really relate to that.
creme de leite… I had that in Guyana from one of my Brazilian friends who used to eat it straight out of the can… isn’t it kind of like condensed milk in a can in the US? Recipes look amazing.. must try them when I have a chance.
Hi Jody – I think maybe you are thinking of leite condensado. That is sweetened condensed milk and yes many Brazilians have told me they eat it straight from the can. 🙂 Creme de leite isn’t sweetened. It is more of a baking product like cream in the States, but thicker. Hope this helps! 🙂