I decided that this time around I really just wanted to taste and experience the rice itself so I didn’t add it to a complex recipe. I actually pulled a tip from the recipe for Forbidden Black Rice Salad from Lotus Foods. I didn’t have any of the veggies in for the full salad so I simply tossed my rice in sesame oil and soy sauce after it cooked.
Black rice is a medium grain rice so I didn’t cook it much differently than I do the white rice we use so often in Brazil. I cooked one cup of the rice for a few minutes in a bit of olive oil. Then I added 2 cups of water and allowed to it simmer, covered, stirring it occasionally. It took about 25 minutes for it to cook.
The first thing you will notice when cooking it is the smell. It was amazing, filling the apartment with a warm, nutty aroma. It immediately told me that I was not going to be disappointed with this find.
After it had cooked I tossed the rice in the combination of oil and soy sauce. The flavor was perfect. The dressing gave it an even greater nutty, salty taste and it went very well with the salmon I was having for lunch.
Have you tried black rice yet?
Here are a couple interesting posts about black rice from around the blogging world. Enjoy!
We Heart Stuff – Trend: Black Rice
Live to Eat: Forbidden Rice Pudding
I haven’t tried, but I also didn’t realize it was the same thing as Forbidden Rice. Sounds awesome!
You are always pointing out the best foods! Thank you. I def want to try it! Will keep my eyes out!
Thank you for the info on black rice. I haven’t tried it yet and will try to look for it in my supermarket.
I have a bag of black rice just waiting to be used. I really have to get over this waiting-for-a-special-occasion-to-use-it and just do it! Thanks for the link for the black rice pudding – I’ve had this dessert at Malaysian restaurants and have been meaning to try it at home. Thanks for bringing this great ingredient to the forefront!
thanks for the info! i have heard of black rice, but never tried it and didnt know much about it before now. I am going to look for it next time I am at whole foods…
Michelle – I think there might be two varieties that exist including a sticky version, but I haven’t been able to figure out if there is a true difference.
Erica – Glad I can help. 🙂 Definitely give it a try. You’ll like it.
5 Star – You are welcome! Give it a try. It is great!
Tangled Noodle – You gotta get to it. 🙂 I have a feeling you will find some amazingly creative ways to use it for sure.
lauren – I think they sell the Lotus brand there, but I haven’t looked for it myself. I’m going to have to seek out a source for it in the US when we move back.
wow. that rice is really beautiful. i haven’t ever tried it, but i’m all intrigued now, what with it being forbidden and all 😉
It’s so striking! I’m going to be on the search for it. Thanks for all the great info!
I think I’ve had this in restaurants??? It rings a familiar bell and I do think I liked it. Will you just come to my house and cook? You have such a healthy variety and so many tasty options in your diet!
You’ve just inspired me to try black rice this week…I wasn’t aware of all the potential health benefits either. Thank you for this!
I’ve tried black rice before in desserts: with sweet beans once and with a sweet coconut cream another time. I remember it being chewy and somewhat sweet – nutty, like you said – but it may have been a result of what else it had been cooked with. That’s good to know about the nutrient value associated with dark rice! Do you know if the same qualities are present in the brown strains of wild rice? This is great information to have, and I appreciate your research!
Thanks for all the great info! We love rice and definitely need to try this.
I’ve never tried black rice before…but clearly I need to at this point.
When you describe it s nutty that makes me think it might taste a but like wild rice.
I haven’t tried black rice but now I really want to. In the finished picture it looks so complex and hearty. Mmm!
Heather – Ha, ha! Does make it more fun, right?
Reeni – I know! The color is just fun in general.
Jolene – I would love to. My variety has increased drastically in the past couple years. All this new culture combined with all these great food blogs. 🙂
Caitlin – Great, glad I could serve as inspiration! 🙂 It is really good.
Sapuche – I’d love to try it in a sweet rice dish. I may have to try that. Brown rice only has the outer hull removed in processing so it has a lot of nutritional value. From what I read, black rice has more iron, but that iron is also has less bioavailability. The black rice is more unique it its anthocyanin content, but I haven’t researched wild rice that much.
lesley and Darius – Yes, do try it. I’m sure you will like it!
kat – Yeah, I would say it is similar to wild rice, but the nutty flavor was even more intense in black rice to me.
healthy ashley – It does have an exotic, yet hearty look to it, doesn’t it?
Ever tried “Parboiled” rice?It’s a process wherein the rice has already been boiled with the husk on and then later dried and sold.Each grain of rice is bulged(hence it has been nick named “bullet-rice” by my hubby).It’s quite popular in Southern parts of India.Not only is it more nutritious than the regular rice,but the best part is that since the grains are so swollen after cooking,one tends to eat less!
Black rice is yummy and I love forbidden rice pudding!
I’ve never tried black rice — but you certainly have me wanting to. I’ll have to look for it at the Asian market next time I go! Great post.
I’ve never tried black rice…just thought it looked funny. Maybe I’ll give it a try. Thanks for testing it out for us!
Sweta – I have tried parboiled rice, but wasn’t up to date on all the unique nutrition profile. Thanks for the info!
Meg – Glad you like it. I really did too.
Chefbliss and Denise – Give it a try for sure. It is definitely a nice variation, something different for a change. 🙂
Hi, when you soak it, does it stain the water a lot?
And when you break a grain, what is the colour inside? Is it white or purple-black?
Hi there – It does stain the water when it is cooking. Honestly I can’t remember what the inside was. I think it was purple/black. I’m going to buy more soon and I’ll let you know!