
Four Favorites in March

April 5, 2016

Favorites in March include a granola that takes me back to my days in Kentucky and some excellent literary guidance for travel writing.  My four favorites posts are where I share a brand, book, blog and break that I enjoyed throughout the month and want to share with you. 

Sorghum granola, travel writing, beautiful blogs and a good place to get away for Four Favorites in March at Fake Food Free

I’m backtracking just a few days to share my four favorites post for March. I had every intention of publising this post up last week. I have it written all over my calendar to prove it. But life got in the way. And by life, I mean our new house! I haven’t said much about it so far, but we’ve finally purchased a home in California. Things aren’t quite as crazy as they could be, but we are still juggling a few projects like working with painters and having some new flooring installed. It has me way off schedule with new posts. Just a few more weeks and hopefully we’ll be back to smooth sailing. 

Fortunately all that has been going on hasn’t kept me from exploring some new foods, books and blogs in March. I have a lot of good stuff to share so read on!


This month’s brand takes me back to our days living in central Kentucky. At that point, Sweetgrass Granola was just getting started. They contacted me last month to fill me in on all the great things that have been happening since and to ask if I’d like to try some of their new products. I eagerly agreed and I’m glad I did. 

Kentucky Sweetgrass Granola review on Fake Food Free

What makes Sweetgrass unique is that it is sweetened with sorghum syrup. If you aren’t familiar with sorghum, give it a google. The plants look a lot like corn and the cane can be pressed similar to sugarcane. The syrup that results is dark and thick. It’s sweet, but in my opinion, it’s has a more rich, complex flavor versus being super sweet like maple syrup.

As a result, it makes delicious granola that has a balanced sweetness and a pleasant earthy flavor. At least that is how I would describe Sweetgrass Granola. I’m a huge fan of their products. They sent me four flavors — Kentucky Harvest with extra sorghum and organic flaxseed, Cinnamon Kane with walnuts, cinnamon and organic raisins, Germantown Chocolate with cocoa, coconut and pecans, and my favorite, Cherry Home Companion (shown in the bowl below) that is loaded with dried Bing cherries and almonds. 

Kentucky-based Sweetgrass Granola made with sorghum syrup | Review at Fake Food Free

By volume 95% of the ingredients that go into the granola are organic or Kentucky grown, and 40% of the ingredient costs go directly to Kentucky farmers. Specifically, the sorghum syrup, wildflower honey and pecans all come from within the state. The granola also ticks these food boxes – soy free, wheat free, dairy free, refined sugar free, non-gmo and no preservatives. 

This is the best kind of granola to sprinkle over yogurt or to serve as cereal with a little milk. I also love their slogan – From Stalk to Spoon. You can check out a great video on the Sweetgrass Granola website that will tell you more about the product and the family behind it. You can also order yourself a few bags while you’re there. 



Despite my love of travel and barely maintaining a travel blog that I refuse to let go of, I had yet to attend a travel bloggers conference until last month. I took a solo road trip down to Irvine and met up with Suki of Super Duper Fantastic to take part in the Women In Travel Summit. As much as I love food folks, I have to admit that it was a nice change of environment to meet and hang out with people with such varying interests in all areas of travel. There were so many creative people to meet and so many unique ideas to discuss. I walked away with a lot of new knowledge, but the absolute best part of the conference was Gabi Logan’s presentation and this book, The Six-Figure Travel Writing Road Map


We were able to purchase it as an early release and I did so about two seconds after returning home. I have been to few presentations that were as motivating AND actionable. Perhaps it’s because the book has impeccable timing for me. I’m trying to expand my reach with travel writing and Gabi shared so much information on how to do that. 

The book arrived last week and while I haven’t read as much as I hoped, I can tell from just the first couple chapters that it’s going to change things for me for the better. While it’s geared towards travel writing, I can see how this book could help anyone who wants to write for a living. It’s got tips for figuring out your income needs, organizing income, structuring your time, pitches and so much more. 



I really enjoy following Little Rusted Ladle. The work that Jim and Jena do together is stunning. You must go back and check out their Marble and Concrete Easter Egg Craft. Their most recent post is also some seriously mouthwatering poutine!

Blogs to Follow: Little Rusted Ladle



I have weeks of content to upload to The 3 Star Traveler, but no time to do it at the moment. I’ll get there. I promise. Right now, though, you can take a look at our recap of Morro Bay, Calif. This place has become one of our favorite California beach towns. If you are anywhere near the Central Coast and crave some relaxation, a basket of fried seafood and a view of sea otters, this is where you want to be. 

Morro Bay, California | Favorite Break featured on Fake Food Free




Disclosures:  The granola mentioned in this post was sent to me for review purposes. I was not required to write about it and received no compensation for doing so. I never put product mentions I am paid for in my Four Favorites posts. 

Thanks for reading! All images and content are the property of Fake Food Free unless otherwise stated. Please do not republish full recipes and images without written permission. What is okay? Feel free to Pin images, share links to my posts or share the photo in a round up post with the title of this recipe and a link back to the post. Confused about copyright and food blogs? Here is some helpful information on Recipe Attribution. If you want to use a photo or full recipe, just ask. I’m sure we can work something out.

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