Pastel is two layers of a puff pastry–like crust that is filled with all kinds of goodies. Then it is deep fried until puffed, toasty brown and flaky. You have to bite off a corner to let the steam escape and wait patiently before you dig in.
There were over 20 options at the restaurant by our apartment – beef, olives, cheese, mushrooms, chicken, heart of palm, broccoli, arugula, sundried tomatoes or a combination of two or three fillings together. Then there was the dessert menu pastel with coconut and chocolate, apple and nuts, and of course, Romeu e Julieta.
I knew I didn’t want to fry it. I eat fried foods on occasion, but I’m not big on making them at home. I decided I’d bake it instead. It turned out to be like a lovely little Romeu e Julieta pie. It’s not exactly like the pastel we were used to getting in Brazil, but it definitely provides that favorite flavor of guava and cheese that I grew so fond of during our time there.
Pastel Romeu e Julieta
Translated and adapted from 1000 Receitas da Culinária Brasileira, Pastel de frango
2 cups flour
½ cup butter, room temperature
Pinch of salt
Water as needed
Guava jam
Mozzarella cheese, thinly sliced
In a mixing bowl, combine the flour and butter. Just like a pie crust, mix until the butter is pea-sized and incorporated well. Add water a teaspoon at a time until the dough comes together into a consistency that can be rolled out. It took about 1 tbsp for me.
Roll the dough to about ¼ inch thickness on a floured board and cut into 8 equal squares or rectangles. Place 4 squares on a cookie sheet and spread evenly with jam leaving a ¼ inch edge. Spread about 1 tbsp of jam thinly per square. Top the jam with thinly sliced cheese. Using water, lightly wet the edges of the squares. Place the second layer of dough on top and use a fork to seal the edges.
Sprinkle the top with cinnamon and sugar. Bake at 375 degrees F for about 15 minutes until just before the jam begins to bubble out and the pastel is lightly browned. Remove, let cool slightly and enjoy warm. Makes 4 baked pasteis.
More Brazilian foods and recipes:
Açaí na Tigela
Sagu de Vinho
Strogonoff de Frango
Cauliflower & Mandioquinha Soup
Escondidinho de Frango
Foods of Minas Gerais
Brazilian Fondue
oh wow looks wonderful what a cool combo
They look and sound delish!
I am making your recently posted brownies tomorrow 🙂
Very nice! A lovely introduction to this combination for me, who had never heard of it. Thankyou!
Yum! This sounds super delicious with guava jam! I must try this specialty really soon!
I could get real used to those…I would want to try all of the different flavors!
Oh that looks & sounds amazing! I want to try it with my green tomato jam.
It looks like a pop-tart! How awesome! 😀 Lori I really like when you tell stories or provide background info with your recipes.
I love reading your posts, I always learn something:)
MMmm those look wonderful. I love street food. Isn’t that funny considering I try to eat so healthy? Something about street food just appeals to me, always has 🙂
I totally agree with you, for me pastel is the best street food ever. I’m drooling here. 😀
Good gawd – that pastel in hand is ENORMOUS! Of course, I’d be up to the challenge of eating every bite . . .
I know I would love all versions of this, be they sweet or savory but Romeu e Julieta is particularly intriguing with the combo of guava and cheese. My husband brought back goiabada (the sliceable kind) and I have to admit that it baffled me at first. I just wish I knew about this before we finished it up.
Great name: Romeu e Julieta. I will be on the lookout for guava jam. In the mean time, do you know of a good Americanized substitute for guava jam?
I love the combination of white cheese and guava jam but have never had it baked up into anything. This looks wonderful and I love that you baked it too!
CandC – It is really tasty together!
sheista – Great! I hope you like them!
Joy – It was brand new to me too. So glad I discovered it though. 🙂
5 Star – Guava jam has become one of my favorites.
anutritionisteats – We came dangerous close to trying them all in 2 yrs. Ha, ha!
kat – That sounds great together!
Andrea – Ha, ha! I thought the same thing. Thanks I appreciate you mentioning that.
janet – Thanks!
Michelle – Have you all been to Thailand yet? It redefines healthy and street food. Fresh produce, etc.
Anna – I haven’t found anything else quite like it yet.
TN – The funny thing is that as big as it looks you can seriously eat two! The thin pastry and small slice of ham and cheese in that one are not very filling at all. It really is a snack food.
The goiabada is what is usually sliced off and served with slices of cheese where we lived. They would also put slices of it in a pastel like this.
strivingbean – There really isn’t anything quite like guava. They are grown in California and maybe in Florida. I’ve seen the jam at random specialty grocery stores, but nothing regularly. Perhaps online?
Deb – It’s delicious baked up – sandwiches, croissants, cakes – good combo. 🙂
Yum, this looks delicious and I love the savory sweet combo of the cheese and jam. I’ve tried either these or something similar before and loved them, but as we were at a street fair could never follow up. Now, I’ll have to give this a try! Sounds delicious!
Hi Lori, Thanks for bringing Romeu e Julieta to the culinary tour — as well as your narrative about living in Brazil. I’m glad to have found your blog.
That looks delicious. I like that the possibilities are endless for the choices of fillings!
Jam and cheese! What a combination. If I ever come across guava jam, I’m going to have to buy it and try this out. I honestly can’t imagine what this would taste like, but I’m eager to find out.
These look and sound wonderful! I will have to try to find some jam to make these, betting though Missouri is much like Kentucky in the lack of variety of ingredients.
Sorry I have been a bad commenter as of late! You’ve been making up some amazing looking stuff. These are drool worthy! Frank does not have a Valentine…you know anyone interested???