I’m working on my added-sugar dependency. I don’t think I eat an exceptional amount, but when you consider that just about everything we eat has sugar in it, in one form or another – yeah, maybe I eat too much.
I cut sugar out of my coffee a couple years ago, and fortunately I haven’t gone back. My oatmeal, however, is a different story. I like honey and maple syrup. Not bad at all in my opinion, but worth reducing.
My main goal is to stop turning to sugar out of habit. This doesn’t mean that I don’t want something sweet. I also happen to disagree that cravings completely go away. Lessen yes, but go away, no; at least not for me, based on several experiments.
So added sugars are out, but fruit is still in.
I solved the problem with my oatmeal. I find a half smashed banana and blueberries or strawberries stirred in to be the sweet enough for me to enjoy. And by enjoy I mean I’ve had it every morning this week for breakfast.
With a big container of plain Greek yogurt in the fridge, I decided to try a no-sugar-added snack. I love the original or tart flavor at yogurt shops. Sadly, almost all the stores in central Kentucky have removed it because it isn’t popular. That leaves me to make it myself.
I still have blackberries in the freezer, and decided to sweeten the yogurt with banana once again. The blackberries I use can be tart, very similar to yogurt, so if you want to go a little sweeter I’d suggest something like blueberries and maybe another half of banana, but for me, this was the perfect treat.
Blackberry Banana Frozen Yogurt
Makes: 3 to 4 servings
1 1/2 cups frozen blackberries, thawed (with liquid)
1 1/4 cup whole or 2% plain Greek yogurt
1 banana
Place all ingredients in a blender and pulse until smooth. It essentially becomes a smoothie. Turn on your counter top ice cream maker and pour the mixture into the freezer bowl. Run until the yogurt is frozen, about 20 minutes.
Getting the right texture is tricky. I put it in the freezer to set up a little more and after an hour, it had gone way too far. I would suggestion eating it straight out of the ice cream maker, or allow it to set up for about 30 minutes, watching it closely.