
Celebrating a great year with a Holiday Pomtini Cocktail!

December 29, 2014

I’m toasting to a great year and ringing in a new one with this Holiday Pomtini cocktail made with orange vodka, peach schnapps and POM Wonderful Pomegranate Juice! POM Wonderful is a current client and this post results from my work with the brand. 

 Holiday Pomtini | Fake Food Free

It has been quite a year. The kind of year that you hate to see end, but one that makes you excited to see what is next. Around here we’ve had everything from great travel and fun family visits to gaining an even greater appreciation for health.

On the business side of things, I’ve started working with so many new companies and organizations this year. It’s been enjoyable, challenging, and I like to think it has helped me grow quite a bit.

What better way to celebrate than with a martini!

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Roasted Garlic Dinner Rolls

December 19, 2014

Give your holiday meals a creative twist this year with these garlic dinner rolls! Tucked inside the layers is a spread of slow roasted garlic, shredded Parmesan cheese and rich butter.

 Roasted Garlic Dinner Rolls | Fake Food Free #bread #homemade #recipe

When I stand in front a table of holiday foods with an empty plate, I start negotiating with myself. I can’t possibly eat it all, so what is it that I can cut out to reduce volume that I also won’t miss much?

 Rolls. It’s always the rolls.

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Bourbon Chocolate Marshmallows

December 16, 2014

Grab your mug of hot cocoa! These Bourbon Chocolate Marshmallows are the perfect topper for any of your favorite warm holiday drinks!

  Bourbon Chocolate Marshmallows | Fake Food Free

Growing up, marshmallows were the underdog in a box of mixed chocolates. They ranked just one level above that strange fruity nougat. Marshmallows covered in chocolate weren’t so disappointing to cause one to return a half eaten selection to the box, but they evoked a sigh and thoughts of something more glamorous like a caramel or toffee.

Things changed when homemade marshmallows gained popularity. That’s probably because they are ten times better than any marshmallow I’ve had from a chocolate box or a bag from the store. They are every bit as glamorous as caramel and toffee.

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Holiday Gift Ideas

December 14, 2014

It has been a year of cool finds around here which leads to a great list of holiday gift ideas! Whether you are buying for a cook, a runner or a traveler, I have a few ideas that will simplify your holiday shopping. 

Holiday Gift Ideas 2014 | Fake Food Free


It’s the holiday season and what kind of blogger would I be if I didn’t share a few holiday gift ideas. Fortunately, compiling a list has been easy. I’ve come across so many things this year that fit every hat I manage to wear on a regular basis. If you happen to have a traveler, cookbook lover, runner or food blogger on your list, look no further. I have no doubt they will love these gifts as much as I do. 

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Krakow Christmas Market

December 10, 2014

Our holiday visit didn’t stop in Vienna. The Krakow Christmas Market in Poland was equally as exciting with one of a kind food experiences!

                                     Krakow Christmas Market | Fake Food Free #travel #christmas #Poland 

As I stand in the town center of Krakow, I wonder why a visit to Poland had not been higher on my travel list. It was always there, but tucked beneath what I thought were more intriguing destinations.

I take my first steps into the market and I see a stand selling pierogi. No surprise there. I am in Poland after all.

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Visiting Vienna Christmas Markets

December 8, 2014

If you have ever been tempted to visit Christmas markets in Europe, I hope this post will convince you to finally book the trip. We spent time in Vienna last December and the experience left me speechless. After a year to gather my thoughts, I’m sharing the highlights with what to drink and eat when visiting Vienna Christmas Markets.

Visiting the Vienna Christmas Markets | Fake Food Free

I haven’t fully decided how I feel about the term bucket list. I’m not a huge fan, but that might just be because it is so popular and overused. At the same time, I lack an appropriate name for my list of places to see in this world.

Must-go, must-see, travel list? They all feel rather boring. Especially with the places that I have on my list. I feel like the name needs to match the magnitude of the experiences.

So while I’m searching for a name, I’m slowly progressing through my list (whatever it is called).

A big, and I mean huge, destination for me, became a reality last December. We’ve been to Vienna a few times now and it remains one of my favorite places in the world, but I’ve always wanted to go in December to see the Christmas markets.

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Spiced Honey Nut and Seed Snack Mix

December 5, 2014

This easy nut and seed snack mix can be made ahead of time for your next party. Serve it during cocktail hour or make it a special addition to the dessert table. 

Spiced Honey Nut and Seed Snack Mix | Fake Food Free  

I had my fair share of store-bought, flavored nuts before I realized just how easy they are to make at home. A little of your favorite sweetener, some butter or coconut oil and a few spices, plus some relatively low maintenance time in the oven, and you have a holiday gift for friends or a party snack. 

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Bourbon Poached Persimmon with Vanilla Custard

November 24, 2014

If you are looking to try a new dessert this holiday season, you can’t go wrong with bourbon poached persimmon. The seasonal fruit is spiced with cinnamon, cardamom, anise and clove, then served with warm vanilla custard sauce. 

 Bourbon Poached Persimmon with Vanilla Custard | Fake Food Free 

My heart belongs to pumpkin pie, but I’m  not at all opposed to trying a new dessert for Thanksgiving. Since I hold pumpkin pie in such high regard, though (my grandmother’s version, specifically), it’s always so hard to choose what to try. 

Since no other pie can compare for me this time of year, and I save cookies for Christmas, I decided to do something completely out of the ordinary for me — poached fruit. 

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Turkey Red Lettuce Wraps with Sweet Potatoes and Cranberries

November 18, 2014

These lettuce wraps make a quick and easy seasonal dinner. They are filled with my favorite fall ingredients and served in beautiful red leaf lettuce that is full of nutrients. This post was sponsored by Coastline Family Farms. 

   Turkey Red Lettuce Wraps with Sweet Potatoes and Cranberries | Fake Food Free

Don’t mind my deer-in-the-headlights look. That is just my reaction to how quickly the end of October and most of November have flown by. I’ve been finding myself staring blankly from time to time trying to get my brain to catch up to the date.

 It’s not necessarily a bad thing. There’s been a reason for it – events. Lots of awesome, new experiences, meet new people, have fun while learning, eating and drinking, events.

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Chickpea and Quinoa Griddle Cakes with Spinach and Feta

November 7, 2014

These chickpea and quinoa griddle cakes are made with chickpea and quinoa flours. Spiced with curry powder, they are topped with sautéed spinach and feta cheese. 

 Chickpea and Quinoa Griddle Cakes with Spinach and Feta | Fake Food Free

I’ve been experimenting with socca a lot over the past year. In case you are unfamiliar (like I was just a year ago), socca is a snack made with chickpea flour and water. To me, it’s a cross between a tortilla and a crepe.

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