
Food, Drinks and Beautiful Views in Maui, Hawaii

April 21, 2015

Food, drinks, and beautiful views. Just a few of the reasons why even the most touristy of locations can’t ruin a trip to Maui, Hawaii.   

Food, Drinks and Beautiful Views on Maui | Travel recap at Fake Food Free              

“Yeah, it’s a bit of a touristy area, but it will be fine. It’s a quick trip and Hawaii is so close now. We’ll be back.”

Famous last words when travel planning.

When we decided we would visit Maui, I spent some time researching accommodations. Our first thought was to get a remote rental where we could relax and cook a little using local ingredients.

Then when booking our direct flights from Oakland we got swayed by the great package deals, so we went ahead and added the hotel, too.

So with our tolerance for crowds way up, we arrived on the island, eager to finally see Hawaii.

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30 Minute Potato Breakfast Bowls

April 16, 2015

These Potato Breakfast Bowls are loaded with hearty red potatoes, scrambled eggs and sausage. The best part is that you can have them on the table in 30 minutes. This is my entry for the Potato Lovers Club Speedy Spud Challenge blogger recipe contest. This post was sponsored by the U.S. Potato Board. 
30 Minute Potato Breakfast Bowls | Fake Food Free

I’m not what you would call a quick cook. I’m the first to admit that I lack swiftness in the kitchen. 

It’s not that I have loads of time to kill or that I dislike quick recipes, I just have a very short attention span. When I’m cooking for myself, I only get about 5 minutes in before I catch something out of the corner of my eye and my head jerks quickly to the right. 


It often goes something like this. I’m chopping the onion. Oh, is that an episode of Gilmore Girls on T.V.? I need to turn the volume up. Then I open the sliding glass door to let out a whining pug so she can go fake potty and come back in to beg for her free treat. 

Then I get back to the onion. I open the fridge for something. Oh, I really need to throw that out. Oh man, I forgot to empty the dishwasher. 

You get the idea. A recipe might say it takes 20 minutes to make, but it’s not going to take me 20 minutes. 

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Simple Yellow Split Pea Dal with Garam Masala

April 9, 2015

This easy yellow split pea dal is loaded with the delicious flavors of coconut milk and garam masala. It cooks quickly in a Crock-Pot-style slow cooker for a super simple side dish. 
Simple Yellow Split Pea Dal with Garam Masala | Fake Food Free | A simple slow cooker side dish that is flavored with coconut milk and garam masala.

I know what you are thinking. Really, Lori? Another recipe topped with an egg? Wait. I can explain.

You see, a few weeks ago I stocked up on lentils, dal and split peas of all varieties. Since then, I’ve thrown together some great Indian-inspired dishes. A few spices here and there, some stock, maybe some tomatoes and we’re good to go on the bean and legume group.

The problem? They are ugly. I mean, U-G-L-Y.

At the same time, though, they are super simple, and tasty with a capital T.

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Candied Ginger and Carrot Cookies

April 4, 2015

These candied ginger and carrot cookies are a twist on a classic oatmeal cookie. They are soft and chewy on the inside and slightly crunchy on the outside. 

Candied Ginger and Carrot Cookies | Fake Food Free | Spiced oatmeal cookies made with shredded carrot and candied ginger.  

I was recently trying to remember when I first started eating fresh ginger. I can’t pinpoint the day, but I’m certain it had to be while we were living in Brazil.

It was likely with sushi (I don’t think I’d ever eaten sushi until we moved there), but what I really remember are the teas and mulled wines that used slice after slice of fresh ginger root. After discovering those and then learning how to make them, I was sold. 

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Spicy Noodle Bowl with Sausage and Greens Paired with Cultivar Rose Wine

March 24, 2015

This spicy noodle bowl is topped with turkey sausage, mustard greens and garlic. It’s vibrant flavors pair well with the 2014 Cultivar Rose that I received as part of the Cultivar Wine Bloggers!

Spicy Noodle Bowl with Sausage and Greens | Fake Food Free 

Growing up, like most people who come from the middle portion of the U.S., comfort food was defined by things like mashed potatoes, pot pies and biscuits and gravy. Heavy, nap-inducing and delicious. 

Fortunately, travel has introduced me to a few more things that define comfort food for others around the world. Feijoada in Brazil, fish and chips and pastries in Europe, but nothing can compare to noodle dishes in Southeast Asia. They have redefined comfort food for me. 

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Skillet Spring Vegetables with Ham and Poached Eggs

March 19, 2015

 This meal is quick and easy, and provides a great way to use up seasonal leftovers. It combines spring vegetables with ham and eggs to create a dish that works for breakfast, lunch or dinner. 

Skillet Spring Vegetables with Ham and Poached Eggs | Fake Food Free 

When you are developing recipes, you never know exactly how much of an ingredient you’ll need until the final dish is complete. This usually results in a fridge filled with things like a few stalks of asparagus, a quarter head of cabbage or a little dish of peas. These are perfectly edible, but often not enough to create a full dish all on their own. 

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St. Patrick’s Day Recipes and Travel

March 16, 2015

I’m sharing some green, along with my favorite St. Patrick’s Day recipes, and travel inspired by one my favorite places — Ireland!

All Things Green. St. Patrick's Day Recipes and Travel at Fake Food Free


 I’ve had green on my mind lately. Isn’t it such a beautiful color? I grabbed some green things from around the kitchen last week and took a few fun photos. It got me in the mood for spring and for St. Patrick’s Day!

We’ve been to Ireland a few times now and each visit I get more inspired by the people, the food and the landscape. So when we have a holiday where I can celebrate those things back home, I’m all in. 

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Lemon Walnut Salad Dressing

March 13, 2015

This salad dressing combines tangy lemon and creamy walnuts for a flavor that will bring out the best in mixed greens, pasta or grains!

Lemon Walnut Dressing | Fake Food Free

Salad season will soon be here. That probably sounds a little strange coming from someone who now lives in a place that most people would consider spring and summer year round.

I always thought that my salad cravings were controlled by the seasons, but I’ve learned that this is not the case. Apparently they are controlled by the months on the calendar. Despite sunshine and vegetables being plentiful all the time, I still really only want salads April through August. 

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Pickled Daikon and Kohlrabi Salad

March 10, 2015

This tangy pickled daikon and kohlrabi salad makes a super simple side dish for spring!

 Pickled Daikon and Kohlrabi Salad | Fake Food Free 

I’m a big fan of pickled veggies. Asparagus, long beans, cucumbers, carrots — pickle it and I love it. Last year, I gave up on pickling for long term preserving. Meaning no water bath pickling, etc.

I just can’t seem to master the art of keeping things crisp, and the batches end up being too large for us to finish in a reasonable amount of time. 

So now I’m into quick pickling. A few veggies, a vinegar mixture, a couple hours in the fridge and a manageable amount is ready to serve. 

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Starry Starry Nights Chocolate Cookies

March 3, 2015

These chocolate cookies are so rich and delicious! Made with almond flour, they also happen to be gluten-free and grain-free, so they are perfect for sharing with friends. You’ll find these cookies and so many more great desserts in the new cookbook Let Them Eat Cake by Gesine Bullock-Prado.  

Starry Starry Nights Cookies from Let Them Eat Cake | Fake Food Free | Dark chocolate gluten-free and grain-free cookies.

I’ve mentioned many times before that I’m not grain-free, gluten-free, vegan, or most other food labels out there. I also feel incredibly fortunate that I don’t have any food allergies. That being said, the one thing I am when I cook and bake is a bit of a pleaser.

If I invite you over, give you a food gift, or share a potluck with you, I want you to be able to eat. Not eating sounds like no fun at all. So any tool that helps me help more people eat good food, well, I’m all for it. 

 It’s rare to come across a cookbook that is for everyone. One that you can buy for anyone on your gift list and one that you can use to make sweet treats for anyone you might be eating with. I’ve found it though, and to be honest, I’m pretty blown away by it. It’s downright awesome. 

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