
Simple Slow Cooker Mung Bean Soup

November 11, 2015

Simple Slow Cooker Mung Bean Soup Recipe | Fake Food Free | An easy, comforting meal for the busy holiday season.  
Soon, we’ll be frantically running out to the supermarket to get overlooked ingredients. Soon, we’ll forget what it’s like to shop during the holidays and find ourselves elbowing our way to a check-out line. Soon, we’ll be waiting in line at the post office (something we swore we’d never do again) to get gifts mailed before the last possible hour. 

Soon, no matter how hard we try to stay in control, things are going to get crazy. 

I love the holiday season, crazy or not. So I say bring it on! As long as I have some lights sparkling in the living room and cookies in the oven at some point throughout the season, I’ll take it. 

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Pear and Peanut Butter Yogurt Parfait

November 5, 2015

Pear and Peanut Butter Yogurt Parfait Recipe | Fake Food Free | A delicious grain-free breakfast with no added sugar!  
Half the time I’m very much – YAY breakfast! The other half of the time I’m – bleh, breakfast.

I know. Shame on me. When I was working as a health educator, there is no telling how many times a version of the words, “eat breakfast,” came out of my mouth. But truth be told, some days I wake up excited for it, and other days I’ll pass and go straight to lunch. 

I think it has to do with being inspired. Or uninspired, as the case may be.

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Club Sandwich with Duck Breast, Cambozola, Applewood Smoked Bacon and Roasted Garlic

November 2, 2015

This recipe takes an ordinary sandwich and makes it worthy of an excellent wine pairing! It comes from Chad Hendrickson, Executive Chef for The Hess Collection. A special thank you to The Hess Collection for sponsoring this post. 

Club Sandwich with Duck Breast, Cambozola, Applewood Smoked Bacon and Roasted Garlic | Paired with The Hess Collection Small Block Series 2012 Napa Valley Syrah | Fake Food Free | #sponsored

Sandwiches are casual. When we don’t want to have a fancy meal or invest too much time in the kitchen, we go for a sandwich. 

They are convenient and familiar, but many lean a little towards boring and monotonous. That is, until you start considering whether the lowly sandwich could possibly pair with wine. Not just any wine, but a syrah that boasts black and blue fruits with a subtle touch of spiced vanilla and cedar. Before you know it, you have a duck breast sandwich on your hands that also happens to be layered with bacon and Cambozola cheese. 

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Roasted Cranberries with Greens

October 29, 2015

Roasted Cranberries with Greens Recipe | Fake Food Free | A quick and healthy side dish for the holiday season!
Every year, I go to the grocery store mid-October and ask if they have fresh cranberries. Every year the hard working person in the produce section tells me that they don’t come in until mid-November. So last week my expectations were low, but I had my eye out anyway.

When I turned to find a pile of bags front and center in the lettuce row, I’m certain my cheer carried itself to the freezer section across the store. 

Rumor has it the season arrived earlier this year. As a result, it will end earlier to. So stock up. I’ve already started. 

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Acorn Squash Lentils with Pumpkin Seeds and Cilantro

October 26, 2015

Acorn Squash Lentils with Pumpkin Seeds and Cilantro Recipe | Fake Food Free  
One might look at these photos and say — who sits down to only a bowl of lentils? 

The answer to that question would be me. I have lentils as a meal so often that I’ve run out of new ideas for preparing them.

That pretty well sums up how this recipe came about. The solution to my problem called a curry powder rut. 

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Buffalo Chicken and Rice Slow Cooker Casserole

October 22, 2015

Buffalo Chicken and Rice Slow Cooker Casserole Recipe | Fake Food Free
I rarely identify with the term comfort food. I think it’s because, unless you are force feeding me steamed broccoli or those crunchy fancy green beans, I consider all foods comforting. I may be partial to carbs, but a salad or spring roll can bring about as much comfort and nostalgia for me as mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. 

But I get it, and if you wanted me to come up with some comfort foods, using the true sense of the word, one thing that comes to mind is the classic casserole. 

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Roasted Butternut Squash with Pear and Red Walnuts

October 7, 2015

Roasted Butternut Squash with Pear and Red Walnuts Recipe | Fake Food Free
This butternut squash dish is not sweet. I repeat, this dish is not sweet.

If you are like me, no matter how many versions of winter squash you’ve made or been exposed to, your brain still thinks of nutmeg, cinnamon and maybe even maple, when you envision the rich, orange, tender squash.

Okay, I’ll admit that this does contain cinnamon. But cinnamon is one of those interesting spices that can swing sweet or savory. It this case, it’s savory. 

The secret to this recipe is some heat. You don’t have to burn your mouth off, but use at least a medium spicy chili powder. I could even see a chipotle chili powder working. When you use these deeply flavored spices you get a beautiful balance of slightly sweet squash, with earthy pear, a bit of heat and crunchy walnuts. 

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This September

September 22, 2015

Baby Turnips and Mushrooms | In studio at the Farm to Table Photography Workshop in Seattle | Fake Food Free

I’m usually not one to comment on how quickly or slowly the months go by. It varies for me from year to year. It all depends on what I have going on.

Lately though, I’ve been thinking a lot about this September. Mostly about how it came along quickly, after what felt like a long August, and now suddenly it’s almost gone. 

There are 3 very good reasons for this.

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Roasted Maple and Black Pepper Kabocha

September 9, 2015

Roasted Maple and Black Pepper Kabocha Recipe | Fake Food Free | Pumpkin and winter squash recipes.

If you are going to try and tell me it’s not fall yet, well, I don’t want to hear it. 

Yes, I know the calendar tells us it’s not until the 23rd, but pay no attention to the calendar. It’s always trying to rain on my parade by conflicting with my view of the seasons. 

It may be warm outside, but Labor Day is over and to me, it’s fall! Sweaters, boots, and scarves will soon be completely acceptable. 

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Concord and Gin Cocktail

September 4, 2015

Concord and Gin Cocktail Recipe | Fake Food Free
Concord grapes are in a league of their own. I don’t put them in the same category as the red and green seedless table grapes that are common, regardless of the season. 

Their flavor and texture sets them apart. The tart skin busts open in your mouth leading the way to a sweet, gummy bear-like pulp inside. I enjoy these qualities so much that I can easily overlook the pesky seeds. 

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