
Book Gift Guide

December 14, 2015

2015 Book Gift Guide | Holiday Gift Ideas | Fake Food Free
I love the idea of a cozy room lined with book shelves and a reading nook in the corner next to a roaring fireplace. On those shelves would be everything from classic and modern cookbooks, mystery novels and non-fiction cooking and agriculture resources to coffee table books with stunning photography. 

I’ve always loved to read, but I think my real book passion started when my interests grew in cookbooks and photography. The organization of my collection isn’t quite up to par with that cozy room I described, but that doesn’t stop me from adding books to my gift list, both to give and receive. 

I’ve come across some lovely cookbooks, fun photography and inspiring stories this year. If you have a bookworm on your gift list, grab a few of these great books and finish up your holiday shopping.

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Berlin Christmas Markets: Raclette and Baumkuchen

December 11, 2015

Baumkuchen at WeihnachtsZauber auf dem Gendarmenkt | Berlin Christmas Markets | Fake Food Free Travels

I like to say I travel for food instead of saying I travel to eat. Many people probably think there isn’t a difference, but there is. At least that is what I tell myself. 

I don’t set out on a trip with the goal of eating copious amounts of food, but I do set out to explore as many unique food experiences as I possibly can. If that means also eating the food, well so be it. I won’t complain. 

It’s hard to explain how inspiring it is to make a brand new food discovery that you haven’t seen in your travel to 20 countries if a person just doesn’t get it. But I’ll keep trying because it’s experiences like these that motivate me to travel to new places.

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What to Eat and Drink at Berlin Christmas Markets

December 9, 2015

What to Eat and Drink at Berlin Christmas Markets | Fake Food Free Travels

After visiting our first Christmas market in Europe in 2013, I feared this might happen. Then we went again in 2014 and I knew there was no escaping it.

My brain has permanently redefined the holiday season.

Now, if you look up the definition of the holidays in my head, you will find Christmas markets in Vienna, Krakow and also Copenhagen and Berlin.

This is Christmas. 

The lights, the jolly attitudes, the crowds, an evening standing in the freezing cold and actually enjoying it, and of course, the food and drink.

Now, nothing says Christmas to me like experiencing one of those markets. 

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Bourbon Nut Cookies

December 7, 2015

Bourbon Nut Cookies Recipe | Fake Food Free | Holiday Baking
It’s taken me a while to determine why I enjoy holiday baked goods so much more than those made any other time of year. I can whip out a batch of cookies in March, but they don’t seem as special to me as those I make in December.

You’ll be happy to know that I’ve discovered the secrets. There are two. 

Spices and booze. 

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Nashville Hot Chicken

November 28, 2015

Traditional Nashville Hot Chicken Recipe from The Hot Chicken Cookbook | Fake Food Free

We were at the wedding reception of a friend, chatting over a drink with the cousin of the groom. The conversation turned to our upcoming trip to Nashville. It would be a quick weekend trip from Lexington, our home at the time. 

“You need to try Hot Chicken,” he said. My husband and I must have had confused looks on our faces, and he must have been used to that kind of response, because he went on to explain. He lived in East Nashville and said that few people had heard of it, but it was a favorite among locals. 

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Ginger Molasses Pumpkin Pie for Two

November 24, 2015

This delicious pie is the final post in my series, Thanksgiving Cooking for Two. You’ll find the other recipes in this special series at the end of this post. 

Ginger Molasses Pumpkin Pie Recipe for Two | Thanksgiving Cooking for Two | Fake Food Free
I am a huge pumpkin pie fan. I know it can be hit or miss with some people, but that’s not the case for me. If you line up a selection of pies, I might give chocolate meringue a second glance, but I will always pick pumpkin. 

There is a catch, though. I’m not crazy about the traditional, out of the can pumpkin, type of pie. My grandmother’s recipe will always be my favorite and if I can’t have that, well, it’s a pumpkin pie that I’ve gotten creative with. 

First, roasted, pureed pumpkin. It makes such a difference and it’s completely worth the minimal effort. Then, it needs a wow factor — a variation in the spices, a gingerbread crust, maybe a meringue topping. Give me any of those and pumpkin remains number one. 

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Thanksgiving Cooking for Two: Brussels Sprouts in Parmesan Garlic Butter and Smoky Maple Sweet Potatoes

November 23, 2015

This post continues my series on Thanksgiving Cooking for Two. Be sure to check out the recipes for Beer Basted Turkey and Green Olive Pecan Sourdough Stuffing that go along with this meal. 

Brussels Sprouts in Parmesan Garlic Butter and Smoky Maple Sweet Potatoes with Cinnamon Sugared Pepitas | Thanksgiving Cooking for Two | Fake Food Free

I never had a Brussel sprout until my 30s. There was no turning up my nose at the dinner table or refusing to clear them off my plate as a child. They simple never made an appearance in our house growing up.  At least not that I can remember.

Then a few years ago, when they seemed to hit a peak of popularity on food blogs, I gave them a try. My first thought was how did I overlook this vegetable all these years and my second was why in the world do they have such a bad reputation! 

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Thanksgiving Cooking for Two: Beer Basted Turkey and Olive Pecan Sourdough Stuffing

November 22, 2015

My husband and I often celebrate Thanksgiving by ourselves a few days before we join our families for the big meal. This year I decided to share some recipes for those who might also be doing some Thanksgiving cooking for two. This is the first post in the series. Be sure to check out the side dishes that go with this main course. 

Thanksgiving Cooking for Two | Fake Food Free
I’ll be the first to admit that Thanksgiving isn’t my favorite holiday of the season. It doesn’t make much sense, though. I love fall and pumpkins and I love to cook. Seems like I’d be all over a holiday that has those things well covered. 

I can offer no explanation other than my fondness of a winter wonderland, warm cocktails, cookies and cheesy Christmas movies. It simply beats out Thanksgiving every time. 

Despite it not being my favorite, I still like to cook and I like to get creative. We typically travel to the homes of our families for Thanksgiving dinners. (Yes, dinners. As in two in one day.) There, the family has traditional covered. But it rarely satisfies my need to try some new and creative. 

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Wellingtons Cookies from Home Baked

November 20, 2015

Wellingtons Cookies from the cookbook Home Baked by Yvette Van Boven | Fake Food Free

I’m a fan of seasonal eating. I like asparagus in the spring, berries in the summer and apples in fall. You get the idea. 

I always associate seasonal with fresh foods until the holidays come along. When we start creeping up to Thanksgiving and especially when December hits, it’s 100 percent cookie season! Sure I’ll throw some kale and sweet potatoes into my meals for good measure, but cookies and baking take center stage. 

Every year it’s a battle between making old favorites or experimenting with new recipes. When you throw an outstanding new cookbook into the mix, the old favorites start to take the back seat. 

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Skillet Mushrooms in Rosemary Gravy and Smoked Ham and Olive Spread

November 18, 2015

These savory snacks make a great start to holiday meals. Their rich, earthy flavors are an ideal match for the Cabernet Franc I received from Cultivar Wine.

Skillet Mushrooms in Rosemary Gravy and Smoked Ham and Olive Spread | Holiday Snacks and Appetizers | Cultivar Wine Pairing on Fake Food Free #partner  
The idea of snacks for Thanksgiving day seems a little absurd. It’s not like we really need to include more food in the celebration. And having snacks around certainly isn’t because we need to satisfy hunger. If you are like me, hungry won’t even be a part of your vocabulary for at least 36 hours. 

Yet there is something about little bites to kick off the celebration that feels like a necessity. All that cooking makes you want to eat. Why not take things over the top? It is Thanksgiving after all.

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